Thursday, 13 November 2014

What is a Quran Whatsapp group?

A Quran Whatsapp group is a group created on whatsapp to encourage your friends, family etc to read Quran daily! 

We all know how important it is for us to read regularly, this is the Book of Allah! And it cannot be neglected inshaAllah!

But how often do we get caught up in our busy lives, whether it be study, uni, family, household duties, work etc?! and before you know it days have passed and there has been no angel recording that we have even looked at the Quran and recited it! 

Its time to  fix this and rekindle our love and emaan with the Book of Allah inshaAllah!

What is the aim of this group?
This group aims to motivate you to read Quran on a daily basis and try to understand it by contemplating on the  meaning by reading the translation too, as Allah says:
"Surely We have revealed it-- an Arabic Quran-- that you may understand." (Quran 12:02)

So what are the requirements for the group members?
1. Each group member must read the Quran everyday (as much as you can, but the minimum is 1 ayah of Arabic AND English)
2. Once the members have read minimum 1 ayah of each, then they must post "Read Alhamdulillah" , "Done" etc, on the group.

What are the group rules for the members?
1. Each member must post on the group once daily(i.e, between 8am-8am the next day) that they've read the Quran and translation (minimum 1 ayah of each.)
2. At 8am daily the admin (you) posts a "New Day" message to the group (a short simple tafsir can be put on it daily- or maybe an inspiring ayah you found.
3. To keep the members motivated, if they don't post on the group an absence will be recorded, Unless of course there is a valid excuse. 4 absences is enough to give a warning message (click the template messages post to see warning message). Of course you as the Admin has to be lenient towards some sisters- i,e, if you see a member is really trying, or if you know a member is very busy (i,e, a new mum, etc). Have an open mind but keep firm inshaAllah. You are a counsel for their connection with the Quran so motivate them inshaAllah! (see template messages post on how you can motivate them)
4. The group members are not allowed to post forwarded messages, dawah photos, conversations etc onto the Quran Group. This will help keep control inshaAllah.
note: Whatsapp allows the members to mute the notifications too, as some members wont want to hear any notifications.

Etiquettes when dealing with group members
You will come into contact with many members, some that you have never met before! So good manners and friendliness is key/important. Remember you are doing this for the sake of Allah and you don't want to scare anyone away from their daily Quran reading by being too harsh.
1. Particularly with the absences, you must be friendly and understanding. If a member tells you a problem as to why she didnt post, say a dua to her, i.e., my dear sis/brother , may Allah make it easy for you etc. Dont forget to include some motivation to the member for them to keep up inshaAllah, (see motivation section
2. Always appreciate their replies by saying jazakillahu khayr for your reply etc.
3. Don't be sarcastic or rude or blunt. Messages can come off harsh, especially if some of the members don't know you. So always make extra effort for the sake of Allah to have a friendly and caring approach.

Extra Advice
As the Quran group grows, you may find it hard to handle. And so delegating some of the jobs to reliable friends can be a good idea.
Some roles you may need help with:
1. Keeping up with absences, i.e. sending the absence message out and keeping track of who has and hasnt posted.
2. Posting the new day message regularly every day.
3. Reminders:
    -It is good to remind the members by writing a list of the names who havent yet posted. You work out what works best, depending on the number and punctuality of your group. For a large group (plus 60 members) I have found 3 reminders work well, one in the early evening, one in the late night, and one just before the new day message.
4. Create an Admin group to help and advise you. Ask a few of your close reliable friends or family members to join in with the ajar/reward inshaAllah! (TBC)

Deleting Numbers
Your phone may become very full after saving lots of new contacts. And many may join and leave after a time. Keep track of this and make sure you delete them also. Otherwise you will fill your phone with numbers you dont need.

Very important rules for you, the Admin!
  • Make your decision to make the group and do istikhara before going ahead with it inshaAllah. If it is good for you Allah will allow you to go ahead. If it isnt He will take it away from you. InshaAllah.
  • Make your intention for the sake of Allah and try to keep renewing this intention inshaAllah. This is a big act of goodness inshaAllah as you can get lots of reward for others who have read The Book of Allah because of you- Be humble and remember it is Allah who has guided you to this opportunity and rather than focusing on the members only, dont forget it is YOU who need the reward first and foremost, for a day (The Day of Judgement) when no one shall lend even a single good deed...
  • Segregation on group: As ordained, freemixing isnt allowed. So to avoid fitnah keep the group segregated. Or if you are mnaking it for your family of course everyone must be mahram to eachother inshaAllah

Dont think like this is too much for you, you can do this inshaAllah! And all that has been written here is an advice, do what you feel is best inshaAllah. Different approaches work for different people. You will learn as you go along inshaAllah. Be patient and ask Allah to make this a means of mountains of good deeds, and a sadaqa jaaria for you inshaAllah. May Allah put baraka in your group and make it a benefit and joy for your dunya and akhirah! Ameen.